Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"There will be wars and rumors of wars..."

I don't know where you all stand politically - and I'm not really sure how to not alienate my readers in these weird political times - But I do need to comment....

If (and I believe "when" unfortunately, as prophecy continues to be fulfilled) Obama gets into office, we are in for some big trouble, my Christian Friends. I'm not saying its the 'beginning of the end' as I believe that's been in the works for a while, but its definitely proof that we are smack in the middle of something big and bad - and let's continue to hold on tight. Don't lose faith, nor heart, and keep your eyes and ears open. Its worse than you think. Don't waver from your faith foundation, for as the Word says "Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather." If ever a time to strengthen your knowledge in the Word, its NOW.

Love and prayers to you all.

1 comment:

{Emily} Hey Sisters! Photography said...

Hello! Long time, I know! I'm sorry! I've been a little 'absent' from the blogging world for quite some time. And this is a very timely post. THANK YOU for sharing this. It's amazing, this political conundrum we're in at this present time. On one hand, we have a charismatic man, who would defintely be a change that is very well needed in America; yet, his morals and associations are all out of whack. The latter choice is a man who sure, hasn't made the best decisions in his personal life, but has been in the political arena for decades. I think the morality of these two candidates is ultimately what it comes down to. I know it's time for a change, which makes it that much harder! But, when it comes down to it, the morality of a candidate is what matters above what they say in public ... it's what they do, how they vote that really counts! Blessings to you! Thank you for the post! God Bless! ~Emily