Monday, September 15, 2008


I've had one of the hardest days today with my son. He is almost 2 and he's well advanced in the defiance stage.

He has this thing about kicking our dogs. He thinks its funny. Its not. They will bite him if he does it enough. We've been trying to learn the best way(s) to correct him, but no way has been effective yet. Usually we give him a warning, and then put him in his bed with no toys. TOnight after that didn't work, I tried to just pick him up and force him to sit in my lap for time out. He believes that he is stronger than me and that if he writhes enough, I'll give in. I didn't give in, but for 15 minutes he cried, and screamed and writhed. I got my work out in, for sure. And he kicked the hell out of my pregnant stomach. I can't even tell you how sore I am....

I had to pop him earlier today, and I cried when I did because I hurt him. He is vehemently opposed to having his diaper changed. I don't know why. Its unreal. But when I carry him to his room to change him, he fights me, and hits and kicks me (again, in my stomach.....I'm so scared he's going to make me lose my baby). Once I lay him down on his changer, he kicks me - HARD. I press his legs down and tell him 'no' and say "stop kicking. No kicking, no hitting!" He does know the word 'no' but he blatantly refuses. Sometimes I try to make a game out of the changing and say "Look how fast we can change you!!!!!" He kicked me so hard today, I raised up his bare bottom and popped him hard with a big "NO!" After he looked at me with scared, hurt eyes of "mommy.....what? why?" he started crying so hard, and I started crying with him. I hugged him and said "I'm sorry but you cannot do that!" Thank God he was my friend a few moments later.... but I was so scared that he would push me away, that he wouldn't think that I love him with all my heart.

I'm so scared. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm doing this right.